In the rain no less...
Last night I finally took the opportunity to drive in Rio de Janeiro traffic. Now, if you think this is a small thing, it's not. I'm used to big city traffic and it's random drivers, but traffic here is on a whole different level. Motorbike delivery guys weave in and out of traffic with little regard for their personal safety. A hole now is fair game since it might be closed in a blink of an eye. Buses and cars drive down the road with little notice of the lane dividers. Simply squeezing in to the lane with the widest aperture. (Or lanes if that is more appropriate.)
Not only did I drive into this traffic, I did it driving a car I've never driven, a manual stick, at night and in the RAIN. WooHoo to me. Passengers and cargo delivered safely to their destination. This despite the fact that unlike the US, there are all manner of cars with extremely dim or even no headlights, manpowered carts moving against traffic, and even a bus coming at me in my lane. Wowsa, gives me goose bumps just thinking about it. Wanna go for a ride?