November 28, 2005

A guest speaker...

Ok, so the Mad Munkey himself asked me if I wanted to do a guest post on his blog. I was flattered and scared as hell to go up along with his writing - you´ve read it... those are some really big shoes to fit! So, after much thought, I humbly accepted. Then there was part 2. What would I write about? I mean he has his particular audience that wants to hear his thoughts. And enjoy doing so (and I am included on that myself). So the pressure was on...
So I started wondering about that whole blogging experience. And how you come here to get inside someone elses´s mind. Should that be considered modern day voyerism? How does that affect your own mindset? What do we look for when we go to people´s blogs to read about their life? Is it a escape from reality? How does someone elses´s reality and thoughts affect your own daily life?  And even further, how do you get into the mind of someone that you usually haven´t met in real life? The whole online thing is really weird if you think about it. I mean, you can go to this blog from Japan or Egypt, or wherever and experience a whole new mindset in just a click of a button. And I´m not saying pictures and such. I´m talking about real thoughts, worries, fears, desires and a whole different mindset than you´re used to.
Here you are reading this guy´s blog. You read his writing, his poems, his dilemmas, hell, you even know this guy´s grocery list. And you like it. As many do, as seen in the comments left. Some think "Hey, that´s one way to look at that situation", or, "Hey, this is something I would like to hear or say myself sometime". I´m sure that´s been discussed over and over, the whole "voyerism" thing. But it´s weird exposing yourself for the whole cyberworld to see. And better yet. Put a link in there to comment on it. For better or worse. It´s like being naked in front of a crowd. Do we have this need to reach out and see that we are just as normal - or weird - as other people? Does that help us deal better with our own reality? To find our own place in this crazy world?
I think it does. But hey, that´s me. And that´s what´s so beautiful about this blogging thing. You can agree, disagree, go to another blog, or click on this little comment button right there and speak your mind. Hope you liked it. As for me, I think I´m gonna put my clothes back on and get off stage...


At 11:15 AM, Blogger Natalia said...

Yaay for modern cber voyeurism. It's an OK thing to do when people invite you in. Cyer-stalking..not so good... it's all in the nuances.


At 4:40 PM, Blogger Her Daddy's Eyes said...

Dear guest speaker,
Why are you putting your clothes back on?

At 7:33 PM, Blogger Lindsey said...

Very well are invited back anytime.

At 9:43 AM, Blogger Alice said...

hello guest speaker! who are you? did i miss that part somehow? my blog is def all about the voyeurism. i'm not very voyeury in my "real" life, but people have noticed i have a certain proclivity for hnt, which is just the physical manifestation... the rest of the time i'm exposing me me me just in words :-)


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