November 07, 2005

10 blogs you'll never see (I hope)

Cockblogger - The blog of a cockblocker, but only on blogs. This blogger would call out anyone they see hitting on another blogger or intentionally get in the way of any blogger they sense is getting close to a score. They would then document it on their blog.

The history of my ass - A daily journal of, well, that which leaves it. 'Nuff said.

The Snot Monologues - A photo journalistic approach to documenting the masses that come out of their nostrils. With side notes on environmental concerns of the day and other external olfactory factors.

Condomania - 1001 uses for condoms other than as a prophylactic device. (If anyone can think of any, let us know.)

Oral Fixations - A guide to helping your girlfriend develop one or enhance the one she already has.

Pretty WoMan - A 30-day program for women to turn their man into their best girlfriend. Make-up, shopping and heels included.

Alternative means - A guide to improvised dildos and other sex toys from household, garden and even garage implements.

Homo Klaus - True stories of Santa and the elves at play...

Horny Devil - A man's guide to halloween costumes that will actually get him laid. (Who am I kidding, I'd like to find that blog and take copious notes.)

Mealdigger - An official woman's guide to never paying for a drink or dinner and staying thin eating steak & lobster every night. A man's unofficial guide to identifying and avoiding all the women that read it and think the meals are really free.


At 10:14 AM, Blogger Schuyler said...

AAAAA!!!!! I can't find it, but there used to be this hysterical web site called This guy was trying to intentionally give himself athelete's foot. So he stopped washing he feet. And kept them wrapped in plastic bags for 24/7. The web site had pics and commentary on the odor and everything. I can't find an archive of it at the moment, but I did find his followup project:

He'd go out and buy various meat products and just leave them random places to see how long it took for them to get nasty. Definitely don't go there before, during, or after lunch...

At 2:35 PM, Blogger Her Daddy's Eyes said...

Holy hell, this had me laughing out loud. I should not have read this at work because the kids were looking at me sideways...I had to click the little 'x' and come back...

Damn, and I was going to do "The history of my ass"...I guess that wouldn't be of interest?

And...hang on...there are girls that DON'T have oral fixations? What? I can't believe such a thing.


At 4:32 PM, Blogger Alice said...

i would totally go to condomania :-) incidentally, i was in a condom shop one time, and saw the best novelty condom slogan ever: a camouflaged condom so "she won't see you coming". HA!!

At 6:15 PM, Blogger Big Ben said...

I have always suspected Elves of being gay. I never suspected that Santa himself was a willing participant - I would check that out.

At 6:22 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I actually think I saw a blog for was something like My Greek Life. I think her name was beware if you live in NY.

At 9:11 PM, Blogger Unknown said...


Happy now????

word verification: nomorewident

At 12:09 AM, Blogger kermit said...

well since you asked...
condomania 2001:
*water/barf/rotten mayonnaise balloon to fling at your enemies
*emergency sealer for leaky pipes (for when there's no caulk around)

At 11:36 AM, Blogger Tim said...

you must have never seen The The Ass Chronicles.

At 7:42 PM, Blogger SS said...

He He He! Actually, I did see this blog where some mealdigger talked about how she would always complain that something was wrong with her food and muke a fuss until the restaurant took it off her bill. Bad! Bad!

At 4:24 PM, Blogger introspectre said...

Have you ever read my sex blog? 'Cause, uh, I think I have that Oral Fixations one already.


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