Humans seek perfection. We are always looking for the perfect thing or experience. From a flawless diamond to a perfectly cooked steak. We run the gamut. We look for perfection in others, in ourselves. We never find that perfection because it doesn't exist. Nature doesn't build perfect things. Nothing in nature is truly symmetrical.
Perhaps that is where perfection lies. In imperfect things. Taking joy in the simple pleasure that can be found without looking too hard. Simple pleasures abound in our lives. The sound of laughter (perhaps the one perfect thing because it's a reflex.) A cool breeze stirring our hair. Soft snowflakes drifting out of the sky. Waves crashing on the beach.
Imperfection is the spice that makes the olio savory.
Everything is perfect because it is the way it is. Because things (like clud formations and people) change, the definition of perfection is alive, literally changing from moment, from instance to instance.
*cloud formations
Descartes would say that although we see no examples of perfection, the idea of perfection has to have come from somewhere. If nothing is perfect, and we have no direct experience with it, where did we get the concept?
Voltaire in Candide expresses that we cannot have perfection because if if we found the perfect place, we could not take it with us, therefore it is not perfect. Everything has a flaw somewhere I guess.
Also, using Descartean logic, there has to be an afterlife. If we haven't ever experienced inexistence, then there's no way we can even fathom becoming dead, and just ceasing to exist. It's illogical to think that when you die, that's it, becuase your mind cannot understand not existing. Therefore, there must be some kind of afterlife.
I got a C in Philosophy.
I need this reminder often. One of my favorite things to say is "I am perfect in my imperfection" :)
Or a little baby's (or sadly now...a toddler's!!!) smile :-)
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