July 23, 2007

Things you should never say in a cube farm

Is that a vintage tie or did you get it from your closet?
Do they sell men's clothes where you bought that shirt?
Dude, is your tie melting or am I still high?
If I steal any more office supplies, I can open an Office Depot.
I see your daughter is still picking out your ties...
I love the smell of farts in the morning.
You. Me. Naked in my cube. 5 minutes.
Baaaahhh Baaaaahhhh


At 10:43 AM, Blogger Alice said...

the advisability of using that you / me / naked one really just depends on who you're talking to at the office, i'd say....

At 6:13 PM, Blogger Buffalo said...

One of us isn't hitting on all eight.

At 10:20 PM, Blogger bikeandbeer said...

seems like ties comments are very popular somehow. so, just scratch the ties! which will help with the naked issue, errr.....


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