Be back shortly
I'm taking a short hiatus. A few weeks away from here. I promise to be back soon and better than ever. In the meantime, check out some of my Favorite Leaks or other posts if you've never read the early ones.
I'm taking a short hiatus. A few weeks away from here. I promise to be back soon and better than ever. In the meantime, check out some of my Favorite Leaks or other posts if you've never read the early ones.
"Excuse me, is that your Mercedes that you just parked?"
One night my senior year of college, I was watching TV with my roommates. It must not have been too late at night. Probably around Jeopardy time or something like that. So there is a knock on the door. We all look at each other. "I'm not expecting anyone." It's universal. Oook. I get up and answer the door. It's Brown. UPS, you know? He's got a good sized box and it's for me. *eyes narrow* I'm not expecting any packages. So, I sign for it and take it into the living room.
When I was a kid, my uncle D came to live with us for awhile. A self-professed beach bum from Monterey, California, D was immediately the favorite uncle. He was so different from my mother. He drove a beat up, faded blue and olive green Volkswagen van with a red velvet bed in the back and a mirror on the ceiling. He tinkered with the motor himself. Working on it, making it run or keeping it running. The radio only played country in that van. Old Waylon Jennings, Dolly Parton and other sad country voices in the tin speakers. I was disappointed he no longer had his '65 Mustang, but apparently, it had given up the ghost. And well, a Mustang can't really have a mirror on the ceiling can it?
So, I was talking to this woman today and the words high maintenance came up. Not in relation to her. She was talking about me. Me?!?! OK, so I am. Shoot me. lol Anyway, the conversation went back and forth. She tried to claim she was more like an economy car and I said, "With curves like that, you are definitely the Sport model." Nice. It was cheesy, but gooood. lol
Today seems like a good day to deal with the supernatural. So let's dive right in shall we? We've all seen Firestarter and Carrie, but I'm not going to talk about pyro powers or anything like that. More that sixth sense or what some people would call ESP. Another friend of mine calls it something else in my case. She says that most people have guardian spirits (as in 1 or 2). She says I have at least six. Now, I don't see ghosts and stuff doesn't move in my house or anything like that, so let's be clear. I'm not talking about haunting.